Apa itu Narkoba jenis Katinon (Cathinone) / What is Chatinone /Pengertian Narkoba jenis Katinon / Semua hal yang menyangkut Katinon/
Language : Bahasa Indonesia , English
Selamat siang Sahabat STONKIDS, kali ini STONKIDS akan Berbagi Informasi Seputar Narkoba yang sedang HEBOH di Indonesia saat ini . setelah penggerbekan di Rumah Artis , Presenter yaitu Raffi Ahmad, dan 16 orang lainya oleh BNN ( Badan Narkotika Nasional ). Pada penggerbekan tanggal 27 Januari itu, ada sedikit ke janggalan yaitu Mengenai Zat Narkoba jenis baru yang Bernama Katinon (Cathinone) yang di konsumsi oleh Raffi Cs dikarenakan belum di atur oleh Undang - Undang Narkotika di Indonesia.
Berikut STONKIDS kasih tahu Penjelasanya..
"Cathinone", dari Tumbuhan sampai Zat Sintetis
Cathinone menjadi perbincangan usai penggerebekan di rumah seorang artis Raffi Ahmad.Di
antaranya terindikasi mengonsumsi derivat dari cathinone, yakni
3,4-methylenedioxy- N-methylcathinone. Zat sintetis itu jg dikenal sbg
Cathinone, S(-)-alpha-aminopropiophenone, merupakan zat yg konfigurasi kimia dan efeknya mirip dgn amfetamin.
Demikian laporan Kalix P dari Fakultas Farmakologi, Universitas Geneva, Swiss, dlm publikasi Pharmacology and Toxicology, edisi Februari 1992.
Secara alami cathinone terkandung dlm khat (Catha edulis Forsk), tumbuhan semak yg bnyk terdapat di Afrika timur & tengah serta sebagian Jazirah Arabia.Daun khat sejak dulu dikonsumsi dgn cara dikunyah, dibuat jus, atau diseduh seperti teh oleh penduduk di wilayah itu.
Adapun cathinone sintetis, spt disebut dlm situs European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), berbentuk serbuk kristal putih atau kecoklatan.
kadang2 dikemas dlm kapsul. Zat itu juga ditemui dlm bentuk tablet sbg pengganti pil ekstasi.
Cara penggunaan biasanya dihirup, ditelan, atau disuntikkan setelah dicampur air.
Di banyak negara, khat bukan barang terlarang meski penggunaannya dikontrol di beberapa negara Eropa.
Adapun cathinone dimasukkan sbg golongan I Konvensi PPB utk Zat-zat Psikotropika Tahun 1971.
Cathine yg jg terdapat dlm khat masuk golongan III, sedangkan cathinone sintetis, yakni amfepramone dan pyrovalerone masuk golongan IV konvensi itu.
Cathinone yg dlm bahasa Indonesia dikenal sbg katinona tercantum pada Lampiran Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika pada daftar narkotika golongan I.
Al Bachri Husein, pengajar di Bagian Psikiatri Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, menyatakan, sejak tiga 3-4 tahun lalu ia sdh menangani gejala klinis akibat cathinone. Artinya, zat itu telah lama ada di Indonesia.
”Cathinone merupakan zat stimulan utk sistem saraf pusat yg banyak digunakan sbg club drug atau party drug,” katanya.
Menurut Al Bachri, zat yg dibuat di laboratorium klandestin itu digunakan utk ”membuat org senang menjadi lbh senang”. Yg dirangsang adlh ujung2 saraf.
Efek mirip amfetamin itu menimbulkan rasa gembira, meningkatkan tekanan darah,
kewaspadaan, serta gairah seksual.
Namun, hal itu bisa diikuti dgn depresi, mudah terganggu, anoreksia & kesulitan tidur.
Semula, demikian EMCDDA, cathinone sintetis digunakan sbg obat.
Amfepramone & pyrovalerone digunakan sbg obat pengurang nafsu makan.
Adapun bupropion yg bersifat antidepresan digunakan utk org yg ingin berhenti merokok.
Namun, sejak pertengahan tahun 2000-an, derivat cathinone ilegal beredar di pasar zat rekreasi di Eropa.
Zat yg bnyk ditemukan adlh mephedrone & methylone. Methylone digolongkan sbg zat yg dikontrol di Denmark, Irlandia, Romania & Swedia, bersama sejumlah derivat cathinone lain.
Jenis-jenis cathinone sintetis makin banyak beredar mulai tahun 2009.
Merusak kesehatan
Laporan mengenai keracunan & bahaya bagi kesehatan akibat penggunaan cathinone sintetis menyebabkan zat tsb menjadi isu kesehatan masyarakat & keamanan yg serius di Amerika Serikat.
Dalam situs National Institute on Drug Abuse dilaporkan, efek cathinone mirip amfetamin & kokain.
Zat itu merangsang peningkatan kadar neurotransmitter (zat pengantar impuls saraf) dopamin yg menimbulkan rasa gembira & meningkatkan tenaga.
Efek lain adlh peningkatan kadar norepinefrin meningkatkan detak jantung & tekanan darah.
Namun, pengguna bisa mengalami halusinasi akibat peningkatan kadar serotonin.
Akibat buruk lain adlh dehidrasi, kerusakan jaringan otot & gagal ginjal yg berujung pd kematian.
”Penggunaan cathinone dlm jangka lama & berlebihan menyebabkan kerusakan sel otak, Akibatnya, orang menjadi paranoid & berhalusinasi & merasa lemas” kata Al Bachri.
Psikiater Danardi Sosrosumihardjo menyatakan, cathinone sintetis bukan diekstrak dari daun khat, melainkan disusun dari zat2 prekursor.
Jika cathinone alami merupakan stimulan potensi rendah, bahkan lebih ringan dari alkohol & tembakau, tak demikian dgn zat sintetisnya. ”Tujuan pembuatan sintetis dari cathinone adalah memperkuat efek serta menghindari aturan hukum,” ujar Danardi.
Menurut National Institute on Drug Abuse, pada Juli 2012, cathinone sintetis, yaitu pyrovalerone & mephedrone, di nyatakan sbg zat ilegal bersama sejumlah zat sintetis lain.
Meski UU yg baru ditandatangani Presiden Barack Obama itu melarang zat2 kimia yg analog dgn zat tsb, diramalkan para pembuat akan merancang derivat baru yg cukup berbeda utk menghindari jerat hukum.
Sebagai contoh, saat mephedrone dilarang di Inggris tahun 2010, segera muncul zat kimia disebut naphyrone utk menggantikannya. Zat itu dijual dgn istilah ”jewelry cleaner” dengan merek Cosmic Blast. Seharusnya Pemerintah Indonesia bisa belajar dari pengalaman negara lain.
Berikut adalah Gambar Pohon Katinon
Transleted :
What is Drug kind Katinon (Cathinone) / Understanding Drug kind Katinon / All matters relating Katinon /Good afternoon STONKIDS Companion, this time will STONKIDS Sharing Information Regarding Drugs are splashy in Indonesia today. after penggerbekan at Home Artist, Presenter is Raffi Ahmad, and 16 other people by BNN (National Narcotics Agency). In penggerbekan January 27, there was little to janggalan is about a new type of drug substances Named Katinon (Cathinone) the consumption by Raffi Cs because not regulated by law - Narcotics Act in Indonesia.
Here STONKIDS you know an explanation .."Cathinone", from plants to Synthetic Substance
Cathinone the talk after the raid on the home of an artist Raffi Ahmad.Among indicated taking derivatives of cathinone, which is 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone. Jg synthetic substances known as methylone.Cathinone, S (-)-alpha-aminopropiophenone, a chemical substance that configuration and the effect is similar with amphetamines.This report Kalix P from the Faculty of Pharmacology, University of Geneva, Switzerland, within the publication of Pharmacology and Toxicology, February 1992 edition.Naturally cathinone contained within khat (Catha edulis Forsk), which bnyk shrub found in eastern and central Africa, and most of the Arabian Peninsula Arabia.Daun khat has always consumed with how chewed, juice, or brewed as tea by the people of the region.As for the synthetic cathinone, called within the site such as the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), a white crystalline powder or brown.kadang2 encapsulated within the capsule. It was also found in the form of tablets as a substitute for ecstasy pills.How to use usually inhaled, swallowed, or injected after mixing water.In many countries, khat use is not prohibited items controlled even in some European countries.The cathinone included as class I of the Convention PPB For Psychotropic Substances of 1971.Jg Cathine that khat contained within incoming group III, while the synthetic cathinone, which fall into the category amfepramone and pyrovalerone IV convention.Cathinone reply within Indonesian language known as katinona listed in Appendix Act No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics on the list of narcotics group I.StimulantsAl Bachri Hussein, lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo, said since three 3-4 years ago he handles sdh clinical symptoms due to cathinone. That is, a substance that has long existed in Indonesia."For Cathinone are stimulants of the central nervous system which is widely used as club drug or a party drug," he said.According to Al Bachri, a substance that is made in clandestine laboratories were used for "makes people happy to be lbh happy". Which nerves are stimulated adlh ujung2.Effects similar to amphetamines that creates a feeling of joy, increased blood pressure,alertness, and sexual arousal.However, it can be followed with depression, irritability, anorexia and difficulty sleeping.Initially, the EMCDDA, synthetic cathinone is used as medicine.Amfepramone & pyrovalerone used as an appetite-reducing medication.The antidepressant bupropion menacing used for org who want to quit smoking.However, since the mid-2000s, the cathinone derivatives illegal recreational substances circulating in the market in Europe.Substance that was found adlh bnyk mephedrone & methylone. Methylone classified as controlled substances that in Denmark, Ireland, Romania and Sweden, along with several other cathinone derivatives.Types of synthetic cathinone more and more outstanding from 2009.Crock
The report on the toxicity and health hazards due to the use of synthetic cathinone causing substances they will become an issue of public health and safety that seriously in the United States.In the website of the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported, an effect similar to amphetamines and cocaine cathinone.Substances that stimulate increased levels of neurotransmitters (substances introduction of nerve impulses) that dopamine creates a feeling of joy and increase energy.Other effects adlh increased levels of norepinephrine increases the heart rate and blood pressure.However, users may experience hallucinations due to elevated levels of serotonin.Another bad result adlh dehydration, muscle tissue damage and kidney failure that lead to someone's death."The use of cathinone within a long-term and excessive damage brain cells, a result, people become paranoid and delusional and felt faint" said Al Bachri.Psychiatrists Danardi Sosrosumihardjo stated, synthetic cathinone is not extracted from the leaves of khat, but composed of zat2 precursors.If nature is a stimulant cathinone low potential, even lighter than alcohol and tobacco, not so with synthetic substances. "The purpose of synthesis of cathinone is reinforcing effects and avoid the rule of law," said Danardi.According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in July 2012, a synthetic cathinone, which pyrovalerone & mephedrone, illegal in the state as a substance with a number of other synthetic substances.Although the new law signed by President Barack Obama's ban zat2 analogue with chemical substances which they will be, predictably makers will design new derivatives that differ enough to avoid the snares of law.For example, when mephedrone was banned in Britain in 2010, soon emerged chemicals called naphyrone For replace. Substances that are sold with the term "jewelry cleaner" with a brand Cosmic Blast. The Indonesian government should learn from the experience of other countries.
There are tree of chatinone
=> Terima kasih atas kunjunganya / thankss..to your visited..
=> Terima kasih atas kunjunganya / thankss..to your visited..

Cathinone, S(-)-alpha-aminopropiophenone, merupakan zat yg konfigurasi kimia dan efeknya mirip dgn amfetamin.
Demikian laporan Kalix P dari Fakultas Farmakologi, Universitas Geneva, Swiss, dlm publikasi Pharmacology and Toxicology, edisi Februari 1992.
Secara alami cathinone terkandung dlm khat (Catha edulis Forsk), tumbuhan semak yg bnyk terdapat di Afrika timur & tengah serta sebagian Jazirah Arabia.Daun khat sejak dulu dikonsumsi dgn cara dikunyah, dibuat jus, atau diseduh seperti teh oleh penduduk di wilayah itu.
Adapun cathinone sintetis, spt disebut dlm situs European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), berbentuk serbuk kristal putih atau kecoklatan.
kadang2 dikemas dlm kapsul. Zat itu juga ditemui dlm bentuk tablet sbg pengganti pil ekstasi.
Cara penggunaan biasanya dihirup, ditelan, atau disuntikkan setelah dicampur air.
Di banyak negara, khat bukan barang terlarang meski penggunaannya dikontrol di beberapa negara Eropa.
Adapun cathinone dimasukkan sbg golongan I Konvensi PPB utk Zat-zat Psikotropika Tahun 1971.
Cathine yg jg terdapat dlm khat masuk golongan III, sedangkan cathinone sintetis, yakni amfepramone dan pyrovalerone masuk golongan IV konvensi itu.
Cathinone yg dlm bahasa Indonesia dikenal sbg katinona tercantum pada Lampiran Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika pada daftar narkotika golongan I.
Al Bachri Husein, pengajar di Bagian Psikiatri Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, menyatakan, sejak tiga 3-4 tahun lalu ia sdh menangani gejala klinis akibat cathinone. Artinya, zat itu telah lama ada di Indonesia.
”Cathinone merupakan zat stimulan utk sistem saraf pusat yg banyak digunakan sbg club drug atau party drug,” katanya.
Menurut Al Bachri, zat yg dibuat di laboratorium klandestin itu digunakan utk ”membuat org senang menjadi lbh senang”. Yg dirangsang adlh ujung2 saraf.
Efek mirip amfetamin itu menimbulkan rasa gembira, meningkatkan tekanan darah,
kewaspadaan, serta gairah seksual.
Namun, hal itu bisa diikuti dgn depresi, mudah terganggu, anoreksia & kesulitan tidur.
Semula, demikian EMCDDA, cathinone sintetis digunakan sbg obat.
Amfepramone & pyrovalerone digunakan sbg obat pengurang nafsu makan.
Adapun bupropion yg bersifat antidepresan digunakan utk org yg ingin berhenti merokok.
Namun, sejak pertengahan tahun 2000-an, derivat cathinone ilegal beredar di pasar zat rekreasi di Eropa.
Zat yg bnyk ditemukan adlh mephedrone & methylone. Methylone digolongkan sbg zat yg dikontrol di Denmark, Irlandia, Romania & Swedia, bersama sejumlah derivat cathinone lain.
Jenis-jenis cathinone sintetis makin banyak beredar mulai tahun 2009.
Merusak kesehatan
Laporan mengenai keracunan & bahaya bagi kesehatan akibat penggunaan cathinone sintetis menyebabkan zat tsb menjadi isu kesehatan masyarakat & keamanan yg serius di Amerika Serikat.
Dalam situs National Institute on Drug Abuse dilaporkan, efek cathinone mirip amfetamin & kokain.
Zat itu merangsang peningkatan kadar neurotransmitter (zat pengantar impuls saraf) dopamin yg menimbulkan rasa gembira & meningkatkan tenaga.
Efek lain adlh peningkatan kadar norepinefrin meningkatkan detak jantung & tekanan darah.
Namun, pengguna bisa mengalami halusinasi akibat peningkatan kadar serotonin.
Akibat buruk lain adlh dehidrasi, kerusakan jaringan otot & gagal ginjal yg berujung pd kematian.
”Penggunaan cathinone dlm jangka lama & berlebihan menyebabkan kerusakan sel otak, Akibatnya, orang menjadi paranoid & berhalusinasi & merasa lemas” kata Al Bachri.
Psikiater Danardi Sosrosumihardjo menyatakan, cathinone sintetis bukan diekstrak dari daun khat, melainkan disusun dari zat2 prekursor.
Jika cathinone alami merupakan stimulan potensi rendah, bahkan lebih ringan dari alkohol & tembakau, tak demikian dgn zat sintetisnya. ”Tujuan pembuatan sintetis dari cathinone adalah memperkuat efek serta menghindari aturan hukum,” ujar Danardi.
Menurut National Institute on Drug Abuse, pada Juli 2012, cathinone sintetis, yaitu pyrovalerone & mephedrone, di nyatakan sbg zat ilegal bersama sejumlah zat sintetis lain.
Meski UU yg baru ditandatangani Presiden Barack Obama itu melarang zat2 kimia yg analog dgn zat tsb, diramalkan para pembuat akan merancang derivat baru yg cukup berbeda utk menghindari jerat hukum.
Sebagai contoh, saat mephedrone dilarang di Inggris tahun 2010, segera muncul zat kimia disebut naphyrone utk menggantikannya. Zat itu dijual dgn istilah ”jewelry cleaner” dengan merek Cosmic Blast. Seharusnya Pemerintah Indonesia bisa belajar dari pengalaman negara lain.
Berikut adalah Gambar Pohon Katinon
Transleted :
What is Drug kind Katinon (Cathinone) / Understanding Drug kind Katinon / All matters relating Katinon /Good afternoon STONKIDS Companion, this time will STONKIDS Sharing Information Regarding Drugs are splashy in Indonesia today. after penggerbekan at Home Artist, Presenter is Raffi Ahmad, and 16 other people by BNN (National Narcotics Agency). In penggerbekan January 27, there was little to janggalan is about a new type of drug substances Named Katinon (Cathinone) the consumption by Raffi Cs because not regulated by law - Narcotics Act in Indonesia.
Here STONKIDS you know an explanation .."Cathinone", from plants to Synthetic Substance
Cathinone the talk after the raid on the home of an artist Raffi Ahmad.Among indicated taking derivatives of cathinone, which is 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone. Jg synthetic substances known as methylone.Cathinone, S (-)-alpha-aminopropiophenone, a chemical substance that configuration and the effect is similar with amphetamines.This report Kalix P from the Faculty of Pharmacology, University of Geneva, Switzerland, within the publication of Pharmacology and Toxicology, February 1992 edition.Naturally cathinone contained within khat (Catha edulis Forsk), which bnyk shrub found in eastern and central Africa, and most of the Arabian Peninsula Arabia.Daun khat has always consumed with how chewed, juice, or brewed as tea by the people of the region.As for the synthetic cathinone, called within the site such as the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), a white crystalline powder or brown.kadang2 encapsulated within the capsule. It was also found in the form of tablets as a substitute for ecstasy pills.How to use usually inhaled, swallowed, or injected after mixing water.In many countries, khat use is not prohibited items controlled even in some European countries.The cathinone included as class I of the Convention PPB For Psychotropic Substances of 1971.Jg Cathine that khat contained within incoming group III, while the synthetic cathinone, which fall into the category amfepramone and pyrovalerone IV convention.Cathinone reply within Indonesian language known as katinona listed in Appendix Act No. 35 of 2009 on Narcotics on the list of narcotics group I.StimulantsAl Bachri Hussein, lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia / Cipto Mangunkusumo, said since three 3-4 years ago he handles sdh clinical symptoms due to cathinone. That is, a substance that has long existed in Indonesia."For Cathinone are stimulants of the central nervous system which is widely used as club drug or a party drug," he said.According to Al Bachri, a substance that is made in clandestine laboratories were used for "makes people happy to be lbh happy". Which nerves are stimulated adlh ujung2.Effects similar to amphetamines that creates a feeling of joy, increased blood pressure,alertness, and sexual arousal.However, it can be followed with depression, irritability, anorexia and difficulty sleeping.Initially, the EMCDDA, synthetic cathinone is used as medicine.Amfepramone & pyrovalerone used as an appetite-reducing medication.The antidepressant bupropion menacing used for org who want to quit smoking.However, since the mid-2000s, the cathinone derivatives illegal recreational substances circulating in the market in Europe.Substance that was found adlh bnyk mephedrone & methylone. Methylone classified as controlled substances that in Denmark, Ireland, Romania and Sweden, along with several other cathinone derivatives.Types of synthetic cathinone more and more outstanding from 2009.Crock
The report on the toxicity and health hazards due to the use of synthetic cathinone causing substances they will become an issue of public health and safety that seriously in the United States.In the website of the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported, an effect similar to amphetamines and cocaine cathinone.Substances that stimulate increased levels of neurotransmitters (substances introduction of nerve impulses) that dopamine creates a feeling of joy and increase energy.Other effects adlh increased levels of norepinephrine increases the heart rate and blood pressure.However, users may experience hallucinations due to elevated levels of serotonin.Another bad result adlh dehydration, muscle tissue damage and kidney failure that lead to someone's death."The use of cathinone within a long-term and excessive damage brain cells, a result, people become paranoid and delusional and felt faint" said Al Bachri.Psychiatrists Danardi Sosrosumihardjo stated, synthetic cathinone is not extracted from the leaves of khat, but composed of zat2 precursors.If nature is a stimulant cathinone low potential, even lighter than alcohol and tobacco, not so with synthetic substances. "The purpose of synthesis of cathinone is reinforcing effects and avoid the rule of law," said Danardi.According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in July 2012, a synthetic cathinone, which pyrovalerone & mephedrone, illegal in the state as a substance with a number of other synthetic substances.Although the new law signed by President Barack Obama's ban zat2 analogue with chemical substances which they will be, predictably makers will design new derivatives that differ enough to avoid the snares of law.For example, when mephedrone was banned in Britain in 2010, soon emerged chemicals called naphyrone For replace. Substances that are sold with the term "jewelry cleaner" with a brand Cosmic Blast. The Indonesian government should learn from the experience of other countries.
There are tree of chatinone
=> Terima kasih atas kunjunganya / thankss..to your visited..
walau dalam jenis apa pun, yang namanya narkoba memang tetap harus kita tindas.. :-b
ReplyDeleteBetul sekali sob.,
ReplyDeletesebenarnya narkoba itu berguna untuk dunia kesehatan, tetapi yang harus di basmi yaitu PENYALAHGUNAAN NARKOBA sob., :-t
Apapun bentuknya ataupun jenisnya, hindari segala jenis Narkoba. Apalagi sekarang keluar narkoba jenis baru yang justri blm diatur UU nya
ReplyDeleteApapun jenisnya... yang namanya narkoba harus di musnahkan. setuju :-b
ReplyDeleteSetuju banget , apapun jenisnya yang namanya barang haram (sejenis narkoba) teap saja harus di musnahkan dan di berantas tentunya :-b
ReplyDeleteUlasan dan informasi yang amat menarik dan sangat bermanfaat utamanya bagi generasi muda. Perlu disosialisasikan secara luas di media massa baik cetak maupun elektronik termasuk media sosial atau pertemanan. Disamping dapat menimbulkan dampak yang 'positif' bagi pemakai juga akan 'menghancurkan' diri yang bersangkutan. Sekali masuk kedalamnya dan menjadi 'budaknya' maka membutuhkan 'energi besar' untuk bisa 'bebas' dan 'keluar' darinya dengan 'selamat'. Say No to Drugs!
ReplyDeleteSalam cemerlang!